4 Advantages to Using Home Automation


As a form of technology that sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, home automation has the power to change your life. By using a carefully installed network of sensors, controllers, and actuators, your electrician can turn your house from an everyday property into a slick automated hub. If you're not quite sold on the idea of automating your property, here are some key advantages to doing so. Saving the Planet

11 August 2021

3 Compelling Reasons Why You Should Install Solar Power


Solar energy is increasingly becoming popular in Australia, due to the benefits associated with its versatility. The heat comes from the sun, hence it is cheaper compared to the other sources of energy. When you install the solar panels, you will reduce the environmental impacts, offset your energy bills and enjoy other benefits. Here are compelling reasons why you should install solar panels in your home or office. 1. Solar power is environment-friendly

29 November 2019

Why Does Your Electrician Want to Retrofit RCD Safety Switches?


If you live in an older property, then your electrical system may not be completely up to date. This doesn't mean that it isn't safe, just that it doesn't have some safety measures that are now fitted as standard in more modern homes. For example, if you've asked your electrician to give you a quote on some work, they may have told you that you don't have safety switches in your system for residual current devices (RCDs).

31 October 2018

How to Track Down the Source of an Annoying Hum


Are your ears playing tricks on you, or can you hear a low-pitched humming noise whenever you walk around your home? Assuming that you have never heard this particular noise before, should you be worried, and if so, how can you narrow down its source? Where to Start In a busy home, you may find it difficult to isolate one sound from all the other noise pollution, and as such, you may not have noticed this humming noise before.

31 July 2018

Emergency Electrician | 3 Causes Behind An Electrical Fire In Your Home


Electrical fires are a risk whether you own a home or rent out one. Electrical fires are triggered because of several different factors, but the root cause is related to a major electrical failure somewhere in the system. If this happens, you or your local authorities will need to put off the fire yourself. To restore normal electricity, an emergency electrician will need to assess and repair the problem. This guide is designed to help you understand the causes behind an electrical fire in your home.

18 July 2016

3 Potential Reasons Why Your Home's Circuit Breaker Refuses To Reset


A circuit breaker is typically used to restrict the amount of electrical current that flows through a circuit to prevent it from exceeding the rated amp level of the wire. When a circuit breaker trips, it means that excessive current went through the circuit. In most instances, a tripped circuit breaker can be reset to restore normal electricity in your home. But there are times when your circuit breaker won't reset for a couple of reasons.

11 July 2016

How You Can Use One Antenna With Different TV Sets In Your Home


If you have a home with multiple rooms, it is hard to resist the lure of adding new television sets in these rooms, particularly your bedroom.  But your plans may be held back by the notion that you also need extra antennas to connect to the new television sets. While antennas are important, it is not necessary to install extra antennas for your new television sets because the one antenna that you have is just enough.

25 May 2016